Tatiana Maslany, star of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, recently shared a lighthearted and memorable moment from her time on the MCU miniseries. While appearing at San Antonio’s Superhero Comic Con, Maslany fondly recalled twerking with Megan Thee Stallion in a season 1 episode of the Disney+ show, calling it her “greatest moment ever,” per IGN.

“I had been to multiple Megan Thee Stallion concerts before this. I was ready. That was the greatest moment of my life,” Maslany revealed to Agents of Fandom. Her enthusiasm for the rapper shone through as she described her excitement leading up to the scene. The post-credits moment, which featured Megan Thee Stallion signing papers to become a client of Maslany's character Jennifer Walters (aka She-Hulk), quickly evolved into a celebratory twerk to Megan’s hit song, “Body.” Although the scene polarized fans, Maslany thoroughly enjoyed the unexpected team-up.

Episode director Kat Coiro previously explained to IGN that the twerking scene wasn’t initially in the script. However, the writers decided to include it after learning about Maslany’s admiration for Megan Thee Stallion. This spontaneous addition highlighted the actress's genuine excitement and connection to the artist.

Future Prospects and Show’s Uncertain Renewal

In addition to reminiscing about the fun collaboration with Megan Thee Stallion, Maslany teased fans with a hint about Jennifer Walters’ romance with Daredevil, played by Charlie Cox. “I think she’s keeping her options open, but I’m pretty sure she’d hit that again!” Maslany said, suggesting a possible continuation of the storyline if the show were to return.

Despite the fun and fanfare surrounding She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, a second season seems unlikely. Maslany mentioned in January that budget concerns might be hindering the renewal of the fourth-wall-breaking comedy series. She humorously suggested, “I think we blew our budget, and Disney was like, ‘No thanks.'” The extensive CGI required for Walters' transformations into She-Hulk likely contributed to the high production costs, making a renewal a challenging prospect.

The series debuted in 2022 and, despite generally positive reviews, has yet to be renewed by Disney+. Maslany has expressed doubts about the show's return, noting during a Twitch appearance that fans shouldn’t hold out hope for a second season.

Nevertheless, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law remains a beloved entry in the MCU, with memorable moments like the twerking scene with Megan Thee Stallion keeping fans entertained. While the future of the series remains uncertain, Maslany’s enthusiastic reflections and the show’s unique charm ensure it will not be forgotten anytime soon.