I have bad news for you, Samoa Joe, your reign as the unquestioned King of Television has officially been challenged, as Zack Sabre Jr. has officially become the NJPW World TV Championship with a huge win over Ren Narita.

That’s right, with his run in Suzuki-Gun officially over following a team-on-team blow off eight-man tag to close out 2022, ZSJ has found something new to focus his attention on within the NJPW world, as the former Dangerous Tekker will now have to take on challengers to remain the top televised performer in the promotion. If that was the end of the ordeal, that would be one thing, Sabre worked a hard-hitting match with one of the best young stars in NJPW, and the fans in attendance at the Tokyo Dome were happy to see it, but in a truly intriguing twist of fate none other than TMDK, the Australian-based faction made up of the tag team of Shane Haste and Mikey Nicholls, offered him a spot in the group after their previous leader, Jonah, decided to leave the promotion to become The Miz’s heater in WWE on the RAW Brand.

This, understandably, is a pretty big deal, as Sabre was arguably the hottest faction-free agent in NJPW following Suzuki-Gun’s decision to dissolve. Fans wondered if he’d join Chaos, make the jump to Bullet Club as their latest gaijin acquisition, or if he’d consider jumping to United Empire with Will Ospreay, but instead, Sabre will focus on building up the TMDK faction and prove once and for all that he’s the best technical wrestler in the business, even if he still needs to wrestle Bryan Danielson to prove it.