In less than two years, the card market has gone supernova by extending beyond the usual markets. More or less, collectors often flock to basketball, football, and baseball cards because of their popularity and increasing value. But the market is expanding. Case in point, this Joey Chestnut card that recently reached a new price level.

Just this week, Joey Chestnut ate 76 hot dogs in 10 minutes at the annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest at Coney Island. He bested his previous record in 2020 when he devoured 75 hot dogs in the same amount of time.

With his recent record-breaking feat, Chestnut has won this contest six straight times, bringing his total to 14 victories at the traditional Fourth of July contest. And because of this amazing achievement, the card market reacted instantly to his stock.

A day after the event, Chestnut’s 2013 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Autograph 1/1 card sold on eBay for $1,000. Another variant of the card, a 2015 Allen and Ginter Auto 7/10, also sold at a lower price of $500. Meanwhile, the base version of this card still remains within the $2-5 range, making it a popular choice for those who want to collect the hot dog-eating champion.

All things considered, this is an admirable feat for a someone whose stock isn’t as popular as LeBron James or Luka Doncic cards. In any case, this recent all-time high of a Joey Chestnut card proves that the hobby is really expanding into new territory and leaving its mark there.