As Kenny Omega gears up for diverticulitis surgery, the “Best Bout Machine” decided to give fans one final Twitch stream to celebrate the occasion, and was willing to answer the questions his fans sent along in the chat on all things professional wrestling, from his favorite AEW matches, to Will Ospreay, and even Paul “Triple H” Levesque, the new CCO and head booker of WWE.

Is Omega a fan of the direction Triple H is taking WWE in? Or does he have new issues with WWE, even if some of the old ones have been fixed? Needless to say, Omega has some very interesting insight on the matter.

“Everyone seems to know just what he is booking and what he isn’t booking. Even as a wrestler who has kind of like an inside track, I don’t know what his ideas are,” Kenny Omega explained via 411 Mania. “I don’t know what’s a result of just what comes from his brain and his brain alone, so I can’t comment to that. What I do appreciate is that he’s open-minded to all the styles of the world of wrestling. I think I’m sure he probably prefers one over the other or some over others, but I like that he’s giving everything a shot.”

Huh, interesting, right? There are no actual points on specific matches or specific feuds, but a general appreciation for his open-mindedness. Does that mean Omega doesn't really watch the product, or is he trying to be more professional in order to avoid his answers being dissected? Either way, a very interesting response indeed.

Kenny Omega vows to take Uganda from Will Ospreay, too, if he wants.

Elsewhere on his stream, Kenny Omega cut a scathing promo on Will Ospreay, a man he still doesn't like even if he's technically a babyface in WWE right now. While much has been said about this confrontation, the one aspect often missed is arguably the funniest element of “The Cleaner's” efforts, with Omega boldly declaring that he will happily take SGW away from the “Billy Goat,” but only if he wants to.

“He’s pretty good but he ain’t me, he wasn’t me., wasn’t me never will be me, Here’s the thing, that guy goes around talking alot of mean sh*t about Yours Truly. Well, that’s easy to do when you're down and out. Geez, if you want to compare Apples to.. well it’s kinda still Apples to Oranges, but let’s try to compare Apples and Apples, please do, please do, ok he has the gull, the unmitigated gull to go out in the World and call himself the ‘King of Japan,'” Kenny Omega declared on his Twitch stream.

“The ‘King of Japan?' like according… Again like according to who? Again it’s to himself! He’s f**king calling himself this, This guy’s delusional, what a maniac. People love you out there Will, they do, some love you I am sure, look, the 500-600 Fans you had that would still come to Korakuen Hall. When you were there, maybe less I don’t know, I’m sure they adored you, more people have come to see me, more people were buying my goods, I was appearing on TV more. Then, you talk about the matches, who remembers any of your f**king matches Will, Nobody remembers them. You wanna compare Apples to Apples now, we’ve had the better matches against Okada, we’ve had the better matches against Naito, we’ve had the better matches against Ibushi, Goto, Tanahashi, f**king Yoshi-Hashi, all these motherf*ckers.

“And I know what you're probably going to say, ‘You didn't have to wrestle like I did during Covid-19' who gives a s**t? Who f**king, let me do some of that (plays the world's smallest violin) to that. How about that? We're talking about the major players, the stuff that was bringing in the ching-ching, bing bing a la ting ting. That was yours truly, that was me only, not you, it wasn't you, you haven't made a dime, haven't made a cent for the company, nothing, not at all. Call yourself the king all you want, call yourself the best all you want, you ain't that. I was that, and that memory still remains. They will never forget me, but I wouldn't be surprised if they already forgot you, Will. That's why you're trying to go out to Uganda and trying to make your own legend out there. Well guess what? I go out to Uganda, I become the Ugandan King, me, I do, but if you want it so bad, you can have it; have it for a few months, and then maybe I take that flight, and we see what happens then. Pal, buddy pal.

As Ospreay continues to dazzle fans in America with his incredible, five-star matches booked weekly on free television, the “Commonwealth Kingpin” has been celebrating the SGW for keeping the spark of professional wrestling alive in Uganda, offering to fly over in the future to work a match in support of the promotion. Could you imagine if Omega-Ospreay III happened in a promotion that doesn't yet have a ring? Gosh, now that would be an incredible sight to see.