Heading into SummerSlam weekend, The Bloodline found themselves with a small but potentially significant issue, potentially impacting their ability to leave Cleveland with as many belts as possible: Tonga Loa's eye.

That's right, at the end of SmackDown last week, Loa took a finger to the right eye from Kevin Owens in their battle at the end of the show, and as a result, Nick Aldis wanted to remove the faction from the number one contender's Battle Royal to decide on #DIY's next tag team foes. Fortunately, Solo Sikoa came up with a creative solution to his faction's problems that not only kept them eligible but may have actually improved the faction's chances to win exponentially.

“Hold on there, Mr. Aldis, hold on, I appreciate your concern, but The Bloodline, we're not forfeiting nothing, understand?” Solo Sikoa asked. “See Tonga Loa here, he's a part of The Bloodline, but so is this man (Jacob Fatu), so in tonight's gauntlet match, The Bloodline will be represented by Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu, if that's okay with you.”

Now, for fans in the know who have been watching Tonga Loa since he was Tanga Loa in New Japan Pro Wrestling, this substitution was too rich to ignore, with many taking to social media to thank Triple H for the booking call, as the older member of Guerillas of Destiny is a notorious botcher who has already earned some major low-lights in WWE despte barely being asked to do much of anything.

If the goal is to get this new version of The Bloodline over in a major way, putting Fatu in the ring as much as possible has to be prioritized about as much as minimizing Loa's chances to do something silly, making this booking call a win-win-win, considering they secured the dub in the match and will not throw down with #DIY for the SmackDown belts as a result.

Rikishi is incredibly excited about The Bloodline Civil War part 2

While The Bloodline 2.0 is still relatively new in its run, with Solo Sikoa earning his first-ever shot at the WWE Championship next following the controversial decision to name himself the new “Tribal Chief,” Rikishi, his father, is already looking forward to the next beat of this storyline, especially if he gets to see all three of his sons mix it up in the ring together.

“When it comes to The Bloodline man, this is what gets me going. The Bloodline, when people talk about The Bloodline, ‘Oh, we tired of the Bloodline.’ You can be tired all you want for a few years, but we’ve been going through this s**t for 75-plus years. You don’t think we tired? But we the type of people, we tired, but we keep coming back. We keep finding solutions, not excuses, solutions, and the solutions need to be the best you can be in that squared circle. Otherwise, if we not over in the squared circle, move us out. If you can put a**es in seats, if you can knock those merchandise sales out, if you can bring up WWE’s revenue, TKO’s revenue, if the Bloodline is not that anymore, I get it. Go ahead and just knock it then,” Rikishi revealed on Off The Top via Fightful.

“But you cannot knock the Bloodline that’s been holding professional wrestling, that’s WWE, on their backs for the last four, five, six years now. S**t, they still holding it without the main guy there. Who’s the main guy? Roman motherf**king Reigns. Come on, y’all can write that. Write that s**t. Because when he does come back, oh, you better have enough armored trucks to fill up that bank account for WWE, TKO, because this man here is just gonna sell out everywhere. Everywhere and anywhere throughout the world that WWE books him to. That’s not to mention the Usos when they come back. That’s not to mention maybe another Bloodline member possibly maybe able to drive up in a black Lincoln. I’ll leave it at that.”

Oh snap, is this finally going to be the angle where Rikishi comes out of retirement to make things all the more interesting for his three sons, plus a returning Roman Reigns? Will he serve as a guest referee in a match between The Usos and GOD, or whatever Fatu and Tonga are going by? Or will he instead do something like guest commentary on the expected WarGames match between the two factions in November? No matter the booking call, finally adding Rikishi to the equation will only make things better for WWE and wrestling fans as a whole.