Everyone knows that the card industry is becoming more valuable than it was a couple of years ago. Given that, in sports cards news, eBay releasing its Q1 numbers for card sales is a pretty big deal.

It’s no secret too that the hobby’s popularity has driven a huge influx of new and returning collectors alike to fuel the recent boom. Well, those who are still doubting this upward trend will have one less reason not to do so after eBay released its card sales for the first quarter of 2021.

According to a report by Sports Collector Daily, a total of $871 million worth of cards were sold on eBay during the first three months of this year. Around 20 million sports cards and non-sports cards were listed on the eCommerce company’s website during that period according to the data gathered by SC Daily. At that time, an average of 139 cards was being sold per minute.

Apart from those insane numbers, the overall worth of trading cards in the United States alone grew to $1 billion dollars. Also, the number of people who purchased these items from eBay doubled during that timeframe. All things considered, that is an impressive show of growth for this particular hobby.

But the credit doesn’t lie with sports cards alone. There are other categories that stood out from the crowd because of their growth. Pokemon and Marvel cards, in particular, grew by 1,046% and 764% respectively.

As mind-blowing as those numbers are, those in the hobby should expect a dropoff when eBay releases the results for the second and third quarters of this year. The card market has experienced a drop in value in recent months, which can affect the company’s upcoming sales reports. Nevertheless, the stats above have proven that the demand and popularity of cards has exceeded everyone’s expectations.