Modern Horizons 3 has been making waves. From Sealed and Draft to Constructed, MH3 cards are now making an impact in various formats. Those who care about opening packs for value will also be glad to find out that prices are holding up. Usually, cards' prices go down as more packs get opened between pre-release and launch weekend. But for MH3, some cards just kept getting more expensive.

So, without further ado, here's our list of the Top 10 Most Expensive Modern Horizons 3 MTG Cards, freshly updated after launch weekend.

Top 10 Most Expensive Modern Horizons 3 MTG Cards (As of June 15, 2024)

Any new Modern-centric set will always have a lot of eyes on it. Even if Standard is still the most pushed format by Wizards of the Coast, it's no secret that there are also a big number of Modern players in the world. While many of you will also be looking at this list looking for new cards to add to your Commander Decks, there will definitely be many decks these cards can call home.

While we had price gauging in mind last week when we made this list for the pre-release weekend, we acknowledge that card prices are now starting to stabilize. Hence, we are now listing the cards based on prices alone. Which of these cards were you able to pull from the new Play Booster Packs? Let's find out which ones are the most expensive.

(All Prices are based on MTG Goldfish prices)

10. Flare of Denial (Borderless Foil) – $64.64

Flare of Denial (Borderless Foil) - Modern Horizons 3

We start off hot with a card that previously appeared as Top 6 in an earlier version of this list. While maintaining value, the Borderless Foil version of Flare of Denial just dropped down to number 10. This tells you everything about the trend of prices going from the pre-release weekend to launch, which is an indicator for weeks to come. See cards shoot up in price while others retain.

We don't really need even more blue no cost counter spells, yet here we are. This card's only downside is that most of the time, blue doesn't want to have any creature spells in its deck at all, but this can easily fit in any other non mono-blue archetypes. Sacrificing a nontoken blue creature may even have some upside if it's an aristocrat or graveyard-matters card. All else fails, it's still a three-mana counterspell.

9. Ocelot Pride (Borderless Foil) – $72.99

Ocelot Pride (Borderless Foil) - Modern Horizons 3

One of the cards that we saw shoot up in price is Ocelot Pride. After being used in games at this point, it's proven to be a pesky card that can steamroll games if not appropriately addressed in the early game.

A 1/1 Mythic for one white mana makes it to our Top 10, and this furry cat has a lot of upsides that it just goes to show you don't need a great stat line to make it an effective threat in the battlefield. Its token creation effect is great either in the early game or the late game. At the start of the game, this effect forces enemies to commit blockers and push the tempo up. In the late game, it potentially floods the board.

A great card for white tokenator decks, we're sure that this will also make waves in mono white Commander decks and Rin and Seri decks in particular.

8. Ulamog, the Defiler (Retro Foil) – $76.99

Ulamog, the Defiler (Retro Foil) - Modern Horizons 3

Most Eldrazi titans create prohibitive board states and totally flip the advantage, even if most of these cards have high mana costs. Some Eldrazi titans allow themselves to resolve by having a no counter flaws, and honestly, missing that feature is the only downside of Ulamog, the Defiler.

It already mills half of the opponent's library just by casting it, not needing to resolve, has a Ward that makes it hard to eliminate, and has stat line boosts and Annihilator based on the exiled cards in the game. A monstrous finisher if we've ever seen one, and just one among many in this set.

7. Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student (Borderless – Textured Foil) – $79.99

Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student (Modern Horizons 3)

One of the cards that many players overlooked during preview season is Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student. At face value, it doesn't seem to do much. It's a 1-drop 0/3 that creates Clue Tokens when it attacks. But after playing with it in the Sealed environment, players realized just how easy it is to pop Tamiyo early in the game and completely take over if not taken care of.

Once Tamiyo flips, she can protect herself easily with her +2. Her -3 can help recur cards that can buy time until help arrives. And finally, her -7 simply gives the player an unfair card advantage that lasts for the rest of the game.

6. Emrakul, the World Anew (Retro Foil) – $86.00

Emrakul, the World Anew (Retro Foil)

You know that whenever Emrakul is present in a set, her presence will be felt. Emrakul, the World Anew may not have made our list last week, but the Eldrazi made it clear during the past week that she is not to be denied. Once players saw just how devastating it is to play against her, it was easy for her to rise in price and become a highly-coveted piece for many players.

Emrakul, the World Anew gains control of an opponent's creatures regardless if it resolves or not. It has flying, protection from spells and permanents that were cast the turn it was cast, and can be cheated into the battlefield with 6 colorless mana with Madness. A slight sliver of hope remains for those who face her, because when she leaves the battlefield, her owner gets board wiped.

Just don't counter the spell and have no easy way to wipe the board – as Emrakul will not leave the battlefield if it doesn't enter it in the first place.

5. Ugin's Labyrinth (Borderless Foil) – $86.00

Ugin's Labyrinth (Modern Horizons 3)

We don't see a lot of Mythic Lands in any set, so you already know that Ugin's Labyrinth is going to be something special. Ugin's Labyrinth allows you to ramp up fast and play towards a big payoff later on. The only downside is that the enemy will always know what you're building towards, but it also forces your opponent to deal with a Land, of all things.

A lot of colorless 7-mana value cards can make an impact just from being casted (see Ulamog and Emrakul earlier in this list) so this can help players cast large Eldrazi creatures really early on. Ugin's Labyrinth may not be the threat itself, but you will see some players sideboarding Land Destruction just to deal with this.

4. Ulamog, the Defiler (Borderless Concept Eldrazi) – $87.90

Ulamog, the Defiler (Borderless) - Modern Horizons 3

This card has already lost some value since last week, but it still remains on relatively the same spot on this list. We've already talked about how devastating Ulamog can be earlier in this list, and having followed Ugin's Labyrinth immediately, we feel it will be redundant to keep singing Ulamog praises.

3. Emrakul, the World Anew (Borderless Foil) – $125.00

Emrakul, the World Anew (Modern Horizons 3)

Emrakul, the World Anew really shot up in price after launch weekend and it's not surprising to see it happen. Emrakul is always a game-changer wherever she goes, Modern Horizons 3 not excepting.

2. Kaalia of the Vast (Borderless Frame Break Foil) – $144.99

Kaalia of the Vast (Borderless Frame Break Foil) - Modern Horizons 3

Kaalia of the Vast is one of the most popular Commanders out there, and it's almost always the Commander of the 100 that gets the special treatment from players who run them. Right now, this Borderless Frame Break Foil of Kaalia of the Vast can be considered as one of the most blinged out versions of a Commander there is, and so it commands a high price in the secondary market. It's not only rare but usable in formats, making it a very chase-worthy card.

1. Ulamog, the Defiler (Borderless Foil) – $239.99

Ulamog, the Defiler (Borderless) - Modern Horizons 3We already know just how strong Ulamog, the Defiler is, and one card that really shot up in price is the Borderless Foil version of the Concept Eldrazi treatment of the card. It's at a crazy value that pays off even a Collector's Booster Box. That's just how crazy expensive this card has become.

While some cards fluctuated in value over the past week, there are some cards that really shot up in price and most retained value. While it's always better off for the community to have cheaper card prices, it's a player's paradise for those who open packs and boxes. If you're still opening packs, check out our other article on just how likely you could pull these cards from Modern Horizons 3 Play Booster and Collector Booster Packs.