Despite being ferocious rivals on the basketball court during their playing years, Biran Grant and Hall of Famer Karl Malone have now formed a precious bond as friends. In fact, when Grant's Parkinson's disease became public nearly a decade ago, the Utah Jazz legend was one of the first who reached out to him.
Grant recently sat down with TMZ Sports to discuss how his condition has impacted his life, and how Malone was there for him in his time of need.
“When I was diagnosed, I received a call from [Karl Malone] two weeks after [the report on Grant's diagnosis] aired on ESPN with Ric Bucher,” explained Grant. “He just said, ‘Brian, this is Karl. I'd like to help.'”
Grant went on to explain how an infamous on-court incident involving himself and Malone, in which Grant sustained a cut near his eye, led to the idea of doing a fundraiser.
“I said, ‘You know what we can do? We can go on that fishing trip,'” Grant said.
That fishing trip, which Grant and Malone set up and auctioned off, earned them a cool $107,000 which was used for the benefit of Grant's treatment.
This just proves that no matter how fierce the competition between players may get on the court, everyone remains to be part of one big NBA family.
Now at 46 years old, Grant continues to fight his battle against his crippling disease.
Here is Grant's full TMZ Sports interview.