While half of the league is still in the midst of an all-out war to secure their spot in the second round of the playoffs, Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James is already living his best life while on an early summer vacation.

The Lakers talisman recently posted a handful of clips on his Instagram sharing how he's been basking in the warm beaches in the Maldives. Clearly, life's good for The King (h/t Orel Dizon of Lakers Daily):

LeBron even posted a couple of videos of himself dancing by the poolside as he enjoyed the beautiful sunset. Naturally, the Lakers star had a bottle of his own Lobos tequila in hand:


With the Lakers out of playoff contention, LeBron has no other choice but to spend his time with his family at a high-end tropical resort on one of the best vacation spots in the entire world. As it turns out, LA's horrendous 2021-22 campaign does have its perks too.

Be that as it may, LeBron is adamant that this is the last time he'll be going on vacation this early in the season. It's great and all, but the Lakers superstar would much prefer to take his offseason break in June.