Not even the sheer cold of her tears can extinguish the hatred that dwells within her blazing heart. To Signora, cleansing the world’s malady is of utmost importance, even if it means sacrificing her own life’s essence. La Signora’s life is a tumultuous one, but for those who seek to obtain her valuable rewards, her story ends in a battle where our Travelers are forced to partake in: the Signora Boss Fight.

The Signora Boss Fight is a weekly boss who appeared in Genshin Impact 2.1 and can be unlocked when players reach the end of Inazuma’s Archon questline. Similar to Dvalin and Childe’s boss domain, the weekly domain can be unlocked after the player encounters the fight during the Archon quest. Aside from the standard Trounce Domain rewards, Signora also drops exclusive materials, which are needed to ascend the talents of Raiden Shogun and Kujou Sara. 

The Signora boss fight is not an easy one, especially for beginners, due to numerous tough mechanics that are needed to properly finish the fight. However, once players know how to deal with the mechanics, the fight can be easily trivialized without having to break a sweat.

Boss Preparation

One thing to note is that Signora has two phases, the Cryo phase and the Pyro phase. Bringing shielders into your team makes the fight a ton easier, as shields nullify most, if not all incoming damage. Diona’s Cryo shield is very effective during Signora’s Cryo phase, while Xinyan’s Pyro shield is very effective during the Pyro phase. Zhongli’s shield is also excellent for both phases, thanks to its insane durability and fortify effect.

Signora also has a “Cocoon Phase” after its Cryo phase, where Elemental Reactions that affect Cryo are required to progress through the phase. There will be Crimson moths that will spawn, in which players can pick up and use in order to deplete the Cocoon shield. However, you can make this phase easier by bringing in Pyro characters, so you can deplete the shield yourself much quicker. 

Signora isn’t really that hard to defeat, and most compositions should work as long as you have enough mitigation or healing. If you find yourself undergeared or underleveled, consider using food consumables, or try to do Co-op mode with more optimized players.

Fighting The Boss

During the first phase, Signora will only perform Cryo attacks targeted at the player. Sheer Cold will start to accumulate, and Signora’s attacks will cause Frosted Floor, which deals Cryo DoT and accelerates Sheer Cold. To counteract this, there are Pyro sigils at each corner of the arena, and getting close to them will drain off the Sheer Cold. Players can also break these sigils, which will immediately cleanse all of the Sheer Cold, while clearing any Frosted Floor in that quadrant of the arena. 

Signora can perform a number of different Cryo attacks, which are the following:

  • Raining Icicles: Ice rains down in a small area at the player’s position.
  • Ice Shards: Summons shards of ice in a straight line towards the player.
  • Ice Flower Bombs: Summons three ice flowers that explode after a short time.
  • Cryo Wheel: Creates an ice wheel that rolls towards the player.
  • Cryo Spears: Signora creates five spears that follow and converge at the player’s position.
  • Massive Ice Spear: A large spearhead appears above the player, which then strikes after a short while and deals massive damage.

Most of these moves are easily telegraphed and simple to dodge, but mitigating them with Diona’s (or Zhongli’s) shield, makes this phase of the fight extremely simple. After the player brings most of her HP down, Signora will turn into an Icy Cocoon, giving her a Cryo shield that needs to be depleted. Pyro attacks are extremely effective, but if you don’t have one, you can pick up Crimson Moths that spawn around, which infuses your next attack with Pyro.

How to Beat Signora

After depleting her Cocoon shield, Signora will turn into the Crimson Witch, and phase two of the fight begins. During this phase, Blazing Heat will be afflicted to the player, and Signora’s Attacks and Embered Ground will accelerate the Blazing Heat’s gauge. Cryo sigils will appear on each corner of the arena, where players can get close to and reduce the Blazing Heat. These Cryo sigils can also be broken, which will immediately reset the Blazing Heat gauge, and cleanse the Embered Ground on that quadrant of the arena.

Signora can perform a number of different Pyro attacks, which are the following:

  • Fiery Whip: Signora uses a whip, which she can use at different ranges, to attack the player.
  • Fireball: Deploys a rolling fireball towards the player.
  • Raining Hellfire: Signora creates an explosion, showers a rain of fire above the player.
  • Firebird: Summons a fiery bird that moves in a straight line.
  • Raining Meteors: Signora unleashes flaming meteors in front of her, dealing massive damage.

Once Signora’s HP reaches critical levels, she will turn into a flaming tornado, which moves around the arena and summons micro-tornadoes that randomly wander around. During this move, players just need to be patient and dodge the tornadoes, or mitigate the damage taken. Once the move is over, players can start to finish Signora, and end the fight.

Signora is not a difficult fight, but it is challenging enough to warrant caution on even the most seasoned players. Her two distinct phases require different play styles to beat, but the right composition can easily snuff out the flames that Signora creates. It’s definitely an interesting boss fight, but it comes at the cost of an unfortunate end to her riveting lore.