Roger Clemens is one of the best pitchers to ever step on a big-league mound. That's why it's disappointing he's never received a legitimate shot at being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown due to allegations that he used PEDs.

The seven-time Cy Young winner recently spoke on the matter as he heads into another year of hoping he gets enough ballots. However, Roger Clemens doesn't seem fazed by it.

Via Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

“I never played the game to worry about being a Hall of Famer,” said Clemens.

“The guys who vote for me is great — they’re the ones who look at the details and the facts and understand exactly everything that went on. We did it the right way. I played the right way. I poured my heart into a game I love. I’m glad my boys are playing.

“The day kind of comes and goes now.”

In 2007 when Roger Clemens' name came up on the Mitchell Report, he eventually told Congress he never used banned substances. In 2012, all charges against him were dropped. Still, that hasn't resulted in Clemens getting more votes for the Hall.

A 75% threshold is needed to actually get entry into Cooperstown, with the MLB legend receiving a maximum of 61.6% in 2021. Nevertheless, Roger Clemens is always going to be remembered as one of the icons of this game. His resume speaks for itself. Two World Series rings, 11 All-Star appearances, and a seven-time ERA winner.

The Hall of Fame is missing out on Roger Clemens.