The Brooklyn Nets have made it clear that they consider retaining Cam Johnson this summer as one of their top priorities this summer. So much so, that the team is reportedly willing to shed salary elsewhere in order to accommodate a new deal for Johnson, who will be entering NBA free agency in the next 24 hours.

Mikal Bridges has also made his stance on this matter abundantly clear. These two go way back, dating from their time together with the Phoenix Suns. Bridges and Johnson have a special bond considering how they arrived in Brooklyn at the same time as part of this past season's Kevin Durant blockbuster trade. As such, Bridges is adamant that the Nets must do everything they can to keep Johnson with the team:

“Oh, yeah, for sure,” Bridges told Brian Lewis of The New York Post. “I know a lot of people probably want him on different teams. I just tell him ‘I know money and this and that, but just know where I want you. And you can’t leave your Twin!’

“But he knows. He knows that I never want him to go. And I hope that he stays and they offer him a really good deal. Get my boy paid and go from there.”

At the end of the day, however, it's going to be Johnson's decision. It's very much possible that he gets better offers elsewhere, which will also put his friendship and loyalty with Bridges to the test.

For their part, the Nets front office have also indicated their desire to retain Cam Johnson's services. Team general manager Sean Marks also knows, however, that the ball is on Johnson's court right now:

“Cam knows how we feel: We hope he’s back. But he’s going to have decisions to make,” Marks said. “He’s a big priority for us. There’s no question there.”

Now that everything's out in the open, it's time for the Nets to put their money where their mouth is.