Controversy and professional athletes go hand in hand. Young stars can often take so much blame for their bad decisions because they live under the spotlight. Zion Williamson has received a bunch of criticism that varies from his weight gain, injury management, and relationship with Moriah Mills. Although, the New Orleans Pelicans star may not be who the media portrays him most of the time. Jared Harper unveiled how good of a team chemistry guy the former Duke basketball star was during their time as teammates.

Zion Williamson is a public figure that underwent a lot of scrutiny. Not a season goes by where there is not a new talking point about the Pelicans star. NBA fans' ideas of him may be more distorted than ever. This is why Jared Harper cleared the air of how amazing of a locker room presence he is. He unveiled his true feelings about the ex-Duke basketball phenom in his appearance in the Run Your Race podcast.

“[Zion Williamson] is a great player… He is also a good person,” he said about the star. Controversy may arise but Jared is sure of one thing and he unveiled his feelings, “I don’t know if the media portrays him as the type of person that he is. He's a genuine person… [Pelicans] coaching staff is great, the whole team is great.”


Pressure from the media and fans will always surface. However, the Pelicans star deserves his flowers for staying the way he is in spite of all the negativity around him.