Sometimes, fans can be so hard to satisfy. One of Warzone‘s developers, Reed Shingledecker, took notice of a complaint by some players of the game. The complaints are directed towards the lighting in the Verdansk '84 Map. Reed seemed enthusiastic to address the issue, tweeting the following:

“Is this true? The sun lensflare in Verdansk '84 bothering people? I can easily tone it down if needed.” Reed followed up with another tweet, “Looks like I know what I'm doing on Monday. I'm happy to look and address any VFX concerns. Thanks for the feedback.”

He then explained that he can only fix the Warzone map's sun lens flare alone. “I don't have the power to change the entire lighting of the map though.” He then encouraged players to send their complaints directly to Raven Software's Twitter account.

Not all Warzone fans are happy with the response

However, the Call of Duty Warzone community didn't seem at all happy with this. Many complained on Reddit how this change wasn't enough and complained about the other things Reed exactly said he didn't have control over. One user on the thread comments:

“I like how they're responding as if this is a small issue that they needed feedback on for the v0.4 beta patch in an early access game.

lol, this is one of the biggest games on the fking planet with billions of dollars being thrown around and you need feedback for blinding glares and poor visibility.”

For some reason or another, Reed's Twitter has since been deactivated. He may have received too much feedback than he can handle. Probably, Warzone fans egged him to fix things out of his control, and things escalated quickly. We hope Reed's alright, though, and that he did get to fix the things he said he will.