The story of Genshin Impact finally continues with the latest update that came in this April 12. The second half of the Invitation to Windblume patch, or version 1.4, adds a new chapter to the game's Archon Quests. The continuation of the story picks up right from where we left off previously. If you haven't reached this point in the game yet, consider yourself informed, and then close this window. Moving forward, we will be getting into spoiler territory. Consider yourself warned.


The new Story Archon Quest became permanently unlocked today, April 12. It adds Act IV – We Will Be Reunited in Chapter I in our quest menu. You must be at least Adventure Rank 36 to access this content. Since this Archon Quest deals with some specific Genshin Impact characters and events, completing some quests will be needed also. You first also have to clear Story Quest Lupus Minor Chapter: Act I – The Meaning of Lupical, which is part of Razor's character quest line. Aside from this, you also have to complete World Quest Chapter I: Act IV (Prelude) – Bough Keeper: Dainsleif.

From the game's official website's announcement, we read:

“You hear from Ganyu and Lan that the Treasure Hoarders of Mondstadt and Liyue have banded together and plan to get involved in some ruins associated with the Abyss Order. Fearing the chaos that the Treasure Hoarders might cause through their involvement, you take up the commission and investigate…”

This new chapter will definitely add more excitement for Genshin Impact fans. While we've been waiting long for the story to continue, there's been a lot of content recently to keep us busy. As the Invitation to Windblume in-game event and shop drew to a close, we have something new to work on.