Ohio State football is preparing for a big season after a disappointing finish to their 2022 campaign. As offseason programming is underway, head coach Ryan Day gave his thoughts on the targeting rule that caused so much controversy last year, via The Joel Klatt Show.

“We're getting so much into the weeds on this…what was the reason why we did this? To protect young men…there has to be some sort of a common sense…and then if it's egregious one way or the other, that is when the instant replay comes in…we have to go back to the common sense of why the rule was even put in place.”

Ohio State head coach Ryan Day believes the rule can be fixed by just going back to why it was installed in the first place. Ohio State football is no stranger to controversial targeting calls, and Day believes there needs to be less emphasis placed on instant replay and more on simply protecting the players.

It will be interesting to see how the targeting penalty is called this season after so many instances of the call were complained about last season. All eyes will be on college football referees come Saturday this fall, and Buckeyes fans will be no different in trying to hold each and every call accountable.

In the end, it is hard enough to regulate penalties as is, so the point by Day of going back to common sense is prudent. Whether the call is right or not, most referees should be smart enough to realize when targeting is so obvious it needs to be called.