In a completely understandable move by its developers, the “Racist Reaper” has finally been patched out of Overwatch 2.

Racist Reaper is Gone from Overwatch 2

Guys I can't believe they nerfed Racist Reaper
byu/slashth456 inOverwatch

Let's first have the rundown: What is Racist Reaper? As the video posted by Reddit user u/slashth456 on the Overwatch subreddit says, this is done by combining two of Reaper's voicelines, one that says “Black's my favorite color.” and another where he says “I'll see you in hell.”

Before, voicelines including this one could be spammed non-stop, perhaps because of the fact that a lot of them are paid and Blizzard wanted to make sure you were getting your money's worth. However, Overwatch 2's recent update patched this out, and it now displays a notification in the in-game chat that reads “Constant voice line use can distract others. Unlockable voice lines muted for 3 seconds.”

Regardless of whether you find this behavior funny or offensive, a majority of the reactions to this change have been positive. Overwatch community members took the chance to reminisce on their favorite voiceline combinations instead.

byu/slashth456 from discussion

byu/slashth456 from discussion

Blizzard Entertainment discussed an upcoming rework for Reaper in Overwatch 2… so this might not have been a one-and-done change for the hero after all.

byu/slashth456 from discussion

Will this affect Reaper's pick rate? Only time will tell.

byu/slashth456 from discussion

I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the community finds another combination to replace this one.

Overwatch 2 Updates

Overwatch 2 is about to enter Season 9, which will come with a slew of changes. This includes giving a “modified, tuned-down version” of the Support self-healing passive to other roles, as said in the Director's Take dated January 12th, 2024. This change aims to ” give non-Support players more options in terms of sustaining themselves. It should also take some of the pressure off Support players to keep everyone alive since individual players now have more control of their own health pool.” This is only one of the many changes coming next season like the new Competitive system and lots of gameplay and balance changes aimed at reducing damage spikes in combat.

Overwatch 2 Season 9 is expected to go live mid-February 2024, and although the date has not yet been officially announced, Season 8 concludes on that day.