A rap song from 2011 by LeBron James and Kevin Durant was recently released, and it included a lyric going after Skip Bayless. The host of FS1's “Undisputed” commented on the lyric on his show. He spoke about how he felt at the time he first heard of the diss in 2011 and how he feels about it now:
Bayless said:
“I first heard about this back in 2011, when the lyrics were leaked but we couldn't actually hear the song. But I did know that Kevin had rapped a line about me and I knew that the line was, ‘I feel like the world is Skip Bayless and I'm LeBron James.' I talked on TV about the line because I thought it was funny, but remember what was going on in 2011. This was during the lockout that lasted until Christmas Day.
“But LeBron was coming off the epic meltdown in his first Finals with the Heat against the Dallas Mavericks. So to date, at that point in history, LeBron had been swept by the Spurs and he had flamed out against the Dallas Mavericks, so he was 0-2 in the Finals. But what also shook me up about that time was that Kevin came across in the song as such a criticized player and I was his biggest fan. You know I'm still a big fan of his. But I was really a big fan back in 2011.”
There is definitely some truth to Bayless' comments about Durant. Of course, he has to get his pot shot in on James by mentioning that he had no championships at that point in his career. But his comments about Durant are true. No one really hated Durant at this point in his career. He didn't become a villain until he left Oklahoma City for Golden State.
Bayless also brought up the rumor that LeBron's camp didn't release the song back in 2011 because they thought LeBron wasn't great at rapping. Bayless commented on LeBron's rapping ability as well:
“I didn't think LeBron was that bad. I thought he was decent, again, was he great? No, but he was decent. So if this had been released in 2011, would I have shamed LeBron for his performance? No, I wouldn't have.”
At least Skip has one nice thing to say about LeBron.