According to Candace Buckner of the Washington Post, an unknown odor caused a disturbance in the game between the Washington Wizards and Milwaukee Bucks on Saturday night. Late in the game, a strange smell filled the air and many among the home crowd began to complain, leaving the game early as a result.

Darryl Watkins, a visitor in the arena, stated that he began to notice that something was wrong with 3:01 minutes remaining in the game.

“Once the T-shirt toss ended, the air just smelled different,” the Fort Washington resident said. “Something happened, and I just started to cough. I felt that I was getting sick and I didn’t think nothing of it at first but I couldn’t stop coughing and my throat started feeling odd, like real scratchy.”

Andrew Earle, another fan who sat in row S, complained that he smelled a particular burning odor that irritated his nose.

“It was crunch time and it was a time when everybody would have been in there watching the game,” Earle said. “Once we exited and we were outside, we just saw just groups of people coming out. It kind of looked like the game was over and people were leaving, but the game was still going on. So we knew that a lot of people experienced what we did.”

The Wizards ended up losing the game 110-103. The foul odor was a phenomenon that went by unexplained by the Wizards' security, who released a statement shortly after the game.

“Ushers and security personnel responded immediately after an unusual odor was reported that led some patrons to leave the affected section during the fourth quarter of last night’s Wizards game. No one in the area reported seeing anything to security either upon their arrival or after they had conducted their investigation and no patrons requested first aid or assistance.”