One of the biggest names in the free-agent market during the offseason is Chicago Bears wide receiver Allen Robinson. The 27-year-old himself has spoken out about his future in Chicago, which apparently, isn't as secure as most Bears fans would hope for. As a matter of fact, the Pro Bowl WR could also be heading back to the Jacksonville Jaguars.

In an interview on SiriusXM NFL Radio on Thursday, Allen Robinson expressed how everything is up in the air right now, and that at this point, anything is possible in terms of where he ends up playing next term:

While Allen Robinson did not shut down the possibility of returning to Chicago next season, he also made it clear that he will be considering all his options:

“At this point, I’d pretty much be open to everything on the table,” Allen Robinson said, via Charean Williams of NBC Sports. “I’m not 100 percent sure what will happen in the next coming weeks as far as being a free agent and things like that, but as everything stands today, I definitely will open to everything on the table.”

It is worth noting, however, that based on Allen Robinson's own admission, he hasn't been in close communication with the Bears front office of late:

“I would say it’s an open line of communication,” Allen Robinson said. “We haven’t spoken to them for some time now, but there’s definitely an open line of communication. I’ve always said that I’ll be here if they’ll have me. That’s the main thing. Even dating to the season for myself, it wasn’t too much of frustration. I was just trying to do what was best for myself. At the same time, as far as the contract and things like that, if I wasn’t going to get a contract extension, I understood that. For myself, it was just weighing all my options and weighing as far as what would be best. I’ve got nothing but respect and appreciation for the franchise and for the organization. I think things get twisted with players when they start talking about frustration and things like that, rather than a player just trying to figure out what’s best for themselves and for their career at that specific time. It’s never been too much frustration. It’s a business.”

The Bears had the entire season to sign Allen Robinson to an extension, but they chose not to. It appears that they intend to take the same course of action here, with Chicago seemingly open to the possibility of letting him walk in free agency.