In today's NBA, players will do just about anything to draw a foul. Boston Celtics point guard Marcus Smart is no different, but even he agrees flopping should be policed more by referees.

Smart commented on the league's proposal to penalize flopping with technical fouls during a Q&A with The Big Lead. In his opinion, as long as the potential rule was implemented fairly, he'd be all for it.

“I know the refs have a very difficult job each and every night and I commend them on the job they do, so as long as there is consistency when calling flops on both sides of the ball then I'm good with it,” he said.

Smart is no stranger to technical fouls, as he received 11 of them this past regular season. He's also had his fair share of fines for flopping and other squabbles with the refs, including a $35,000 fine in early January for his NSFW outburst toward officials as Boston was being blown out by the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Any personal concerns the 2022 Defensive Player of the Year has seems to be outweighed by how the rule might impact defense in the NBA. Guarding without fouling has only gotten more difficult, and adding extra punishment for players trying to draw charges could make things worse.

“I think people tend to forget that just as many high-profile players flop on the offensive end as they do on the defensive end,” Smart said. “It's tough because flopping or not flopping usually ends up being a judgment call that's left up to the refs.”

Ultimately, Smart supports the new penalty as long as it's administered to stars who are flopping for points. If the potential rule is adopted next season, the current offense-first style of NBA basketball could very well change.