Doja Cat, the outspoken LA rapper, has caused a stir on social media once again with a series of tweets lashing out at her fan base, particularly those who call themselves ‘kittenz.' The backlash from her comments has been significant, resulting in her losing over 180,000 followers on her Instagram account in just four weeks, NMA reports. The situation escalated when she deactivated the Threads section of her account, and several fan pages chose to deactivate as well.

The contentious tweets began when a fan asked her to declare her love for her fanbase, to which she replied, “I don’t even know y’all.” This dismissive response left many fans feeling alienated and unappreciated. It's not the first time Doja Cat has exhibited a less-than-favorable attitude towards her followers. Earlier this year, she criticized her own pop-leaning projects, labeling them as “cash grabs,” and insulted fans for supporting them.

One of her now-deleted tweets included a harsh rebuke aimed at fans who call themselves ‘kittenz,' saying they should “get off your phone and get a job and help your parents with the house.” The irony was not lost on some fans who pointed out that Doja Cat herself coined the term ‘kittenz' in the first place. She responded by claiming she created her stage name during her troubled teenage years as “an alcoholic teen.”

The fallout from her tweets has been significant, with major fan accounts like The Kittens Room, Doja HQ, and Doja Cat News shutting down their pages. The rift between Doja Cat and her fans has left many feeling disillusioned and questioning their loyalty to the artist.