While developers hope to avoid them, glitches are a common occurrence in video games, including NBA 2K.

With that said, we take a look at some of the funniest 2K glitches ever.

Disappearing Ball

There have been multiple videos on YouTube showing either the ball disappearing on a layup before falling from high above the basket or disappearing altogether, which is very irritating to players.  Personally I've never gotten this glitch, but I'm sure if I did I'd be either looking at the screen confused or yelling at it, saying “What?!”

No Lights Glitch

In this NBA 2K glitch all of the graphics go completely black except for the players.  So no court, no crowd (this will soon be a reality though) and most importantly, no basket.  I don't know how you would even play in this scenario.  No three point line (going old school I guess), no lane, no basket.  If someone could actually play well in this scenario I salute you and want to hear from you.

Long Limbs Glitch

From the infuriating to the absurd, this NBA 2K glitch is one of those that you just have to look at in amazement and say “WHAT?!”  In this glitch the player's limbs are incredibly long and skinny.  Basically think Gotrian from Futurama (if you haven't seen the episode with the atomic supermen playing basketball I recommend it) or Mr Incredible.  Not only does it give them incredibly long limbs, it flattens their midsection in the process, so this one can be filed under the “absurd but not game breaking glitches”.  Honestly it would be funny to see this be a special feature, like the big head mode in some sports games.

Quicksand Court Glitch

This is an expansion of the long limbs NBA 2K glitch.  Not only are the arms long, the torso is long as well and the legs are sunk into the floor and you cannot move the player.  This is one of the more aggravating glitches.

Backwards Shot

Another one to file under “funny but not game breaking” in this one a pass to a cutting teammate and a stop and pop shot is shot backwards, without the ball handler turning around for the shot.  The funniest part of this is the shooter shooting towards the crowd and then the ball flying over his head towards the basket.  This is one of those that is just hilarious and make you say “WHAT?!”

Transparent Backboard

This one is just weird and funny.  You've heard of backboards breaking on big dunks, but going through a backboard for a dunk?!  Yes there is a glitch where a dunk coming from the corner goes through the back of the backboard and into the net, phasing right through the plexiglass.

Seat in the Sky

Another more game breaking but hilarious glitch.  In this one a player somehow finds an invisible seat above the court and decides to sit in it, floating and sitting above the floor.  Time to take a break and become superhuman at the same time.  Desk work Superman?

Super Fast Dribbling

We've seen the videos of basketball players working on their dribbling skills and dribbling the ball super fast very close to the ground, but you never really see it used in a real game situation, but in 2K it will happen at times due to a glitch, where a player is facing away from his defender and the basket and dribbling really fast. This isn't game breaking, but is still funny.

No Shoes Glitch

During the entrance into the arena before the game starts, some players lack shoes or feet.

Use The Force

While dribbling the NBA 2K player appears to toss the ball up, losing it before the ball seemingly is “force pulled” back to him.

Phasing Through Players/Refs


This is one you see fairly often, where a player or ref phases through another player.  This one's pretty basic, but it's still funny when you see it.

Player Running Off Court

Apparently these players are just done playing (or they've gotten too many concussions) and just decide to run off the court and try to keep going but are stopped by the crowd.  These fans thinking “What are you doing?!  Get back in the game!”

So there you have it for the NBA 2K series.