Video game retailer GameStop has had a great year. Its stock price has surged by over a thousand percent in 2021. Meanwhile, it's been acquiring new executives that can help steer the ship in the right direction. The plan is to ride the wave of investors riding into the GameStop hype train, whether or not for the memes. And they're doing really well so far, with their plans to move GameStop online progressing smoothly. Now, they plan to bring in two Amazon executives onboard as their CEO and CFO and then sell shares again for another round of financial infusion.

Nine-year Amazon veteran and Australia Country Manager Mark Furlong will become GameStop's new CEO, Reuters reports. He'll have his first day at work on June 21, 2021. Meanwhile, another Amazon veteran, VP for Finance Mike Recupero will join the company as its new CFO on July 12, 2021. Recupero has 17 years of work experience with Amazon.

Following these announcements, GameStop plans to sell 5 million new shares. Their strong financial performance, as stated in their latest quarterly report, will allow them to continue their transition to online. The cash infusion from selling shares will help smoothen the transition. At about $233 per $GME stock, the company can potentially bring in more than a billion from the share sales.

GameStop has seen a strong business surge this year, thanks to fans who really believe in them. When news about short sellers causing dips in the company's stock value emerged earlier this year, investors from Reddit banded together to keep GameStop afloat. Apart from this, the company also did well in selecting new members of its executive committees, bringing in Former Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé and Chewy's Ryan Cohen onboard.