Video games have become an essential part of competition within the last decade now. Back in 2017, it was announced that the popular video game franchise NBA 2K, had created a professional league.

It's continued its popularity, as it's one of the most engaged video competitions to date. It appears to have become so popular in fact, that Sony has agreed to a multi-year partnership with the NBA 2K League to make the Play Station 5 the official console, per Ryan Ward.

With the recent news of Microsoft buying out Bethesda and virtually owning the rights to the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, Sony makes its push to capitalize on obtaining the NBA 2K League in response.

This likely means any players affiliated with the NBA 2K League that used Xbox, will have to switch over to PS5. The changes are minimal, as it really just comes down to personal preference between the two consoles.

The battle between consoles continues to heat up, Microsoft and Sony have made big moves the last two years. Now that the PS5 has become the official console of the NBA 2K League, look for Microsoft to potentially make a similar move for a different league altogether.

Some other video games that have a solid professional following are Call of Duty, Fortnite, and League of Legends. Securing at least one of these under Microsoft would be huge for the Xbox. But for now, Sony and the PS5 take hold of the race. With the release of NBA 2K 22 coming out later this summer, this was the perfect time for Sony to swoop in and make a deal.