Look out Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson, there's a new threat from behind the arc. Toyota developed a robot named CUE that gets buckets. In a video posted by Yahoo Sports, the robot shot a perfect 10 out of 10 from the elbow.

While this is an impressive shooting performance, this special product of science is a very one-dimensional player. It's really only a spot-up shooter. In fact, it takes multiple people to wheel it into position.

No way that this robot can play lockdown perimeter defense. It would get victimized in the playoffs on switches. Even with the knockdown shooting stroke, this robot is a net negative on the court. This robot is too slow to survive in today's game.

In fact, this machine is eerily similar to Carmelo Anthony. It's a great shooter, but a complete liability on the defensive end. If this robot thinks it's still a superstar then we might have a problem. Perhaps Houston can save a few extra bucks and sign it for the mid-level exception.

As far as we know, Mike D'Antoni has never had any issues in the locker room with robots. Carmelo Anthony, on the other hand, has a history with D'Antoni.

This man-made shooter would fit seamlessly into the Rockets offense. Just place it behind the three-point line at the start of the game and let James Harden kick it out for an open three. It can't be much harder than that.