As previously previewed by Valve during The International 10, DOTA Dragon's Blood‘s Marci is going to be Dota 2‘s newest character. She arrives today as part of the 7.30e update.

Marci is a Strength type hero tagged by the official Dota hero compendium as a Carry/Support Disabler, Escape, Initiator. Her skills allow her a lot of mobility, with an ultimate that lets her unleash a flurry of attacks that takes down even the toughest of opponents in short order. Her kit is as follows:

DISPOSE (Q) – Marci grabs an allied or enemy target and throws it effortlessly behind her, damaging and stunning the unit if it's an enemy. Any enemy units in the landing area will also be damaged and stunned.

REBOUND (W) – Vector targeted. Marci bounds to the targeted unit, choosing a direction and distance she will spring away from it. Upon reaching the unit, Marci lunges to her final destination, damaging and slowing enemies in the area. If the unit she runs to is an ally, it receives 35.0% bonus movement speed for 5.0s.

SIDEKICK (E) – Marci's loyalty helps ensure survival, imbuing a chosen allied hero and herself with lifesteal and attack damage.

UNLEASH (R) – Marci taps a hidden power, gaining Fury charges that allow her to deliver a rapid sequence of strikes. The last strike in every Fury combo creates a damaging pulse around the target that slows movement and attack speed for 2.0s. In between Fury combos, Marci is unable to attack for 1.5s. Marci receives a basic dispel when Unleash is cast and gains 15% movement speed.

As usual with any new hero, Marci is already making her rounds in pub games, for better or for worse. At the very least, Gunnar appears to be having fun with the new hero.

Seems cool?