Florida Panthers star forward Matthew Tkachuk came under fire on Saturday night after a dirty play late in the third period against the Los Angeles Kings. During the waning moments of the Panthers' loss on Saturday, Tkachuk could be seen putting his stick in between the goalie mask of Kings' netminder Jonathan Quick. While it was a quick and difficult act to pick up live on the broadcast, replays seemed to confirm that Tkachuk had pulled off the dirty trick on Quick. After the clip made its round on social media, fans have begun calling for discipline against Tkachuk and labeling him as a dirty player.

After Tkachuk's stick made its way through Quick's mask, which is obviously extremely dangerous, the Kings' goalie was fuming. He dropped his own stick and got right into the face of Tkachuk, instigating a shoving match despite there being time on the clock and the puck actively being moved around.

Quick, in a fit of rage, left his net completely unattended in a 5-4 game with less than 30 seconds on the clock in order to go after Tkachuk for the dirty antics. The rest of his team followed suit, and Tkachuk was quickly swarmed by Kings players, despite his attempt to cheekily skate off as if nothing had gone down. The incident left a bad taste in hockey fans mouth, prompting them to label him a dirty player, and one YouTuber to declare him a “rat.”

It remains to be seen if Matthew Tkachuk will face any discipline from the league, but after getting called out on social media over his questionable actions, fans have clearly seen enough of the Panthers star and his antics on the ice.