Project Xandata Season 1 will be coming really soon. Check out when the game's first prestige pass will come out.

Project Xandata Season 1 Release Date: July 27, 2022

Project Xandata, available exclusively on Steam, launches Season 1 on July 27, 2022. The game entered Early Access in March 22, and is now wrapping up its “Season 0” phase.

Project Xandata, a squad-based, competitive 3v3 first-person shooter game, allows players to compete as a high-skill shooter called Xandat in a game that blends sci-fi & fantasy and gunplay discipline with skill-based gameplay. Executing the flashiest of moves with the help of elemental skills, players dish out some good ol’ fashioned butt-kicking with submachine guns, snipers, assault rifles, and even rocket launchers to get the win.

As players get to explore what being a Xandat is like, players also gain more control over their virtual avatars in-game. Most of the customizations involved allow players to customize their gameplay, which they can change even during a match before respawning. Project Xandata gives players a huge amount of customization options for their Agent loadouts.

What's new in Season 1?

With the launch of Project Xandata Season 1, players will get even more customization options. Season 1 will introduce new class abilities and elements that cater to different playstyles, as follows:

  • Marksman Hard Light Stinger
    • Fires three hard light bullets in a tight, shotgun-like spread that lets you take care of those pesky Xandats that get in your comfort zone.
    • Additionally, the Stinger deals more damage the emptier your current weapon’s magazine is. Running out of ammo is a death sentence –for your enemies, that is.
  • Agent Feign Death
    • Activate a buff that triggers when you receive enough damage. Once activated, you go into perfect invisibility for a short moment, leaving behind a fake corpse to deceive your opponents for a quick getaway, or to make them turn their backs for the perfect backstab.
    • Feign Death also grants a buff that allows players to use their Special Melee ability for free twice without cooldowns, for an even deadlier edge
  • Juggernaut Mini Frags
    • Fire off a small grenade that bounces off walls and surfaces, dealing damage and knockback to enemies it hits, or enemies that walk over it.
    • The miniature bombs can also be used for “grenade jumps,” giving Juggernauts a brand new mobility option

Apart from combat customizations, players will also get new cosmetics through the new Prestige Pass. The Season 1 Prestige Pass will be available to purchase for 630 X-Diamonds, and will give players access to awesome in-game items as they play and level up. For those who don't like waiting, Prestige Pass levels can also be bought for immediate rewards.

New items in the game's cosmetics store will also be added, giving players a lot of new options to really make their Xandat a bespoke agent that is truly theirs.

Season 1 also brings a brand-new map called Fastlane. This city transportation hub in the bustling Lightning District is filled with bright neon lights, advertisements, food stalls, and futuristic vehicles, a veritable futuristic hotspot turned Xandat battleground.

A more compact and fast-paced map, Fastlane features two near-symmetrical main areas separated by a two-floor train station with multiple ways to access it. The closely-packed nature of the map will see players getting into skirmishes and shootouts more often, but with the different paths and elevations, they’ll never run out of ways to flank and fight for objectives.

The Project Xandata Season 1 Release Date comes July 27, 2022.