James Harden came out with a controversial statement after the Houston Rockets' blowout loss to the Los Angeles Lakers on Tuesday night. According to the want-away superstar, he's done everything he can for the franchise and that the situation in Houston is now hopeless — something that new teammate John Wall decided to address.

In hijohn ws post-game interview, Wall expressed his strong disagreement with Harden's earlier comments (h/t Bleacher Report on Twitter):

Those are some equally strong statements coming from Wall, who is clearly unhappy with what Harden had to say about the state of the squad. Wall seemed to have also taken a shot at Harden himself when the former Washington Wizards point guard criticized certain players in the team that did not want to buy in on the winning mentality. With his apparent defeatist attitude right now, Harden could very much be the guy Wall is referring to here.

Wall also makes an excellent point about the season currently being only nine games in. The Rockets have undeniably had a tough start to the campaign, but as Wall said above, there's still a long way to go this season. Giving up right now would be senseless.

This does not seem to be the case for Harden, though. The former league MVP remains adamant in wanting to part ways with the Rockets, and his post-game comments on Tuesday appears to be his not-so-subtle way of pleading with opposing teams to get him out of Houston. Clearly, though, Wall is having none of this.