James Harrison blaming Mike Tomlin for something? Wow. What a surprise.

The former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker put the blame for the Steelers' current drama on the shoulders of Tomlin, saying that the head coach should be responsible:

“I think that only changes when you start from the top, you got to start from the top, and that starts with head coach,” Harrison said on NFL Network's Super Bowl Live. “He has a thing where he says, ‘I'm going to treat everybody fair but I'm not going to treat everybody the same.' Your fairness may be interpreted as favoritism to other players. And the fact that you're treating everybody what you call fairly but not the same may be interpreted different by different players. And I think right now it's a combination of that going on and maybe a little bit of a lack of actual leadership. Someone that's saying it's going to be A and B to get to C.”

While Harrison may very well have a point, his criticism of Tomlin is largely going to fall on deaf ears.

Remember: last season, Harrison requested his release from the Steelers after being upset over his lack of playing time and proceeded to sign with the New England Patriots.

The former All-Pro also made a video with Antonio Brown after this season concluded, as the two appeared to mock Tomlin during an end-of-season press conference.

Harrison added that these issues may have persisted in Pittsburgh's locker room for quite some time, but because the team was winning, the problems never reached the public:

“That's what I'm trying to get people to understand. Winning covers up a lot,” Harrison said. “Nobody's saying that this isn't going on. But everybody's saying it wasn't going on before. Maybe it was going on before.”