With less than 2 days to go before the official start of this year's free agency, the teams that have secured a meeting with arguably the top FA right now, Kevin Durant, are preparing hard for their pitch as well as forming their teams of who will meet and try to persuade the former MVP.

Among the teams that will have a meeting with KD are the Oklahoma City Thunder, Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, San Antonio Spurs, and the Boston Celtics. But if there's one team to be considered a real threat to steal The Durantula from OKC, it's the Miami Heat.

And here's why.

1. Winning Tradition

The franchise has won 3 championships over the last 10 years. Miami has only missed the playoffs twice (2007-08, 2014-15) since winning their first title in 2006. And this past season, they were only a win away from the Eastern Conference finals. The franchise's top brass has the “win now” attitude. They always go for the big names in free agency to build the most competitive lineup possible.

2. Playing alongside Wade and Bosh

Dwyane Wade
US Presswire

Chris Bosh returns next season, KD will have not one, but two future Hall of Famers as teammates. These guys have proven to be very effective second and third options. They have produced back-to-back championships during LeBron James‘ time in South Florida. KD can still continue being the first option, playing his natural position, and have two All-Stars to back him up. The team also has a very decent point guard in Goran Dragic, and they'll still go after Hassan Whiteside. Their starting 5, with Durant included, will be very tough to beat.

3. The Godfather

Pat Riley is no stranger to recruiting superstars to join the Heat. He has done this in 2010 with LeBron and has also convinced important role players the past years, like Ray Allen, Rashard Lewis, and Shane Battier, just to name a few, to take pay cuts and join the team, because they know they have the best chance in the weaker Eastern Conference.

4. No State Tax

Miami is a top destination for free agents because of the lifestyle that comes with living there. The beach and weather is enticing but one thing that the Heat can use as a selling point is that there's no state tax in Florida. All other teams, aside from OKC, can offer almost the same amount but KD can get the most money with the Heat since state taxes do not exist in Florida.

A lot says OKC are still the favorites to sign KD, he can sign a 2-year deal with an opt-out option after a season, but if he wants to leave, Miami is a very good option. And they'll know how to pitch to him.

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