Mere weeks after Evil Uno and company took to the ring in Brodie Lee's hometown of Rochester to declare that the Dark Order is, in fact, fine, a turn has been taken that could throw AEW‘s little faction that could into flux.

That's right, after watching founding member Stu Grayson, the Player Dos to Evil's Uno, leave the company earlier this year, and Alan “5” Angels follow suit after turning down a per-appearance deal offered up by Tony Khan, it would appear another member has turned their back on the group and instead decided to align with one of the promotion's more, shall we say, relevant factions operated under the man with a dozen nicknames.

From now on, you can simply call number 99 “Anna JayAS,” as the former “Star of the Show” has not only gone heel alongside her TayJay tag team partner Tay Conti but has seemingly done so at the expense of her old purple and black buddies.

Poor Dark Order, they didn't even see it coming.

… okay, technically, that isn't true; on the most recent episode of Being the Elite, the remaining Dark Order acknowledged Jay's heelish Fyter Fest actions as they wondered why and were saddened by her no-showing her own birthday party, but not every AEW fan watches the Young Bucks' YouTube show and even on the show, they sort of painted the show with a nuanced, comedic brush, as apparently the first rule of Dark Order is to never lower a shark cage. Fight for the Fallen, however, left nothing to the imagination: Anna Jay is a bad girl now, and the Dark Order probably have to regroup and figure out where they go from here. Fortunately, they still have “Hangman” Adam Page, right? There's no way he leaves them too, maybe to reunite with the Young Bucks…

… oh.