Like him or hate him, it's impossible to argue that Christian Cage doesn't have a certain way about him that is all his own.

A master of hyperbole who has never found a line he wouldn't cross to get a cheap pop from an audience, with his current favorite centering around making fun of wrestlers for having dead fathers, Cage has been on top of the AEW Galaxy as the TNT Champion since all the way back in September of 2023 – June if you count Luchasaurus' 98-day run with the belt – and will likely close out 2023 with the title around his waist too, though not if his long-time best friend Adam Copeland has his way, as he challenged “Captain Charisma” to a match at Worlds End in a No Disqualifications match.

After having Tony Schiavone read a prepared statement on his behalf on Dynamite, Cage formally answered Copeland's question on Collision, though not before he decided to bring out a very special guest to help prove his point.

“San Antonio, sit down, shut your mouths while I conduct my business. And the business at hand are the events that transpired a couple of weeks ago on Dynamite in Montreal,” Christian Cage told the crowd in San Antonio. “People wanted to know why Nick’s mom smashed the ‘Rated R Superstar’ Adam Copeland in the head with my TNT Championship. And while I can sit here and I can explain it to you myself, but why should I do that when she can do it herself? So without further ado, San Antonio, get on your feet and show some respect for Shayna Wayne. Shayna? The floor is yours.”

Walking down to the ring to boos, Shayna Wayne entered the ring with a chance to finally explain herself to the AEW audience after brutally attacking Copeland in Montreal.

“You boo me? You boo a mother? How dare you. You all want to know why I did what I did in Montreal to Adam Copeland?” Shayna Wayne asked the audience. “Nick Wayne is my son. He’s my baby boy. My pride and joy. I sat in this ring and I watched Adam Copeland smash a steel chair into his head. And you wonder why I made the choice that I did? I did what any loving mother would do. I protected my son. Really? Really? Boo a mother? Really, through it all, something’s been made very clear to me. The one person that loves and cares for my son as much as I do is the ‘Patriarch” Christian Cage.”

… huh, well, that's interesting.

While fans tried to understand what they just saw and if Cage was going to go so far as to adopt an 18-year-old adult as his new son, the TNT Champion retrieved the mic and finally answered Copeland's question head-on.

Christian Cage will fight Adam Copeland in the name of single mothers

So, without further ado, would Christian Cage wrestle Adam Copeland at AEW Worlds End, or was his Canadian victory good enough for 2023? Well, in the end, Cage did decide to accept, but you will never believe his rationale for making the decision.

“And now Shayna realizes what I’ve always known, and the world realizes what I’ve always known, in that Adam Copeland is a despicable human being. He is a piece of crap. Shayna Wayne worked as a waitress for 40,000 dollars a year. She worked bottom-feeding loser low-end jobs just to put food on her son’s plate to try to make his dream come true of becoming a pro wrestler. And with one swing of that conchairto, Adam, you tried to take that whole dream away. And you would think that if anybody would understand their situation, if anybody would have a little empathy for their situation, it would be you, considering you yourself grew up with a single mother that did those same crappy loser jobs to make sure you realized your dream. And now, Adam, there’s a small, a very small part of me that wishes your mother was still alive so I could watch her disown you on behalf of all single mothers all over the world,” Cage declared.

“But Adam, it’s about your rage, isn’t it, huh? Your anger issues, you’ve never been able to harness your anger properly, and it cost you big time in Montreal, didn’t it? Montreal was not a very good night for you, it was a great night for me. Not only did I score the biggest victory of my career and retain my championship, but I scored another way that night when I walked out on Montreal with my Matriarch. When I walked out on Montreal with Mother Wayne. And now that my family is secure, now that my family is complete, I’ll address your challenge that you made, Adam. When you challenged me at World’s End for a TNT Championship match in a no disqualification match. Adam, I’ll accept your invitation for a fight at Worlds End, but I will not accept it as a challenge, because you are no challenge. I’ve already beaten you. See, now you’re realizing what I’ve told you all along: I am levels above you and everybody else in this business. I stand on the mountain top as the very best in this sport. And at Worlds End, on behalf of your mother and all the single mothers all overt the world, I’m going to take you behind the shed and put you down in Long Island for the last time.”

So Cage is going to fight Copeland in the name of single mothers? Though, if he follows through on his word and the Patriarch has truly found its mother figure, maybe Nick Wayne's mom won't be single for long. All in all, a very, very strange yet totally on-brand promo by “Captain Charisma.”