As the wife of an NBA superstar, you receive a lot of attention simply because of whom you’re married to. With the growth of social media over the past decade, this phenomenon has only been compounded as more and more people feel the need to share their opinion, regardless of how stupid or ignorant they may sound. Few have come to learn as well as Ayesha Curry who, for whatever reason, has to deal with a lot of hate.

Most recently, some idiot named Sal tried to troll Ayesha on Twitter for a picture of a food dish that she had posted. Rather than forgetting about it and moving on with his life, Sal actually took the time to call out Ayesha's picture, saying “Wow you can’t cook for s*** must be great to have a mvp as your lover.” Excellent use of grammar Sal, did your 500 followers teach you that?

RELATED: Steph Curry's Wife Ayesha Is Getting Her Own Food Network Show

All this coming from a guy who’s Twitter profile picture is of him taking the actual picture in a mirror. Classy.

Unfortunately for Sal, he failed basic English in grade school and failed to notice that the dish was not actually made by Mrs. Curry, but by one of the top chefs in the world. Ayesha didn’t hesitate to make him look like the fool he is.

Yes Sal, please do us all a favor and learn to read. Then maybe you’ll be able to find someone who actually cares about one of your 90,000 tweets. Though I doubt it.