Despite high demand from fans, Bethesda Director Todd Howard confirms that remakes of Fallout 1 and 2 aren't happening. For those unaware, Bethesda didn't develop the first two Fallout games. Hence why the gameplay of the classics versus the modern titles are completely different. Interplay Entertainment and Black Isle Studios, the first developers of the franchise, initially created Fallout to be a more strategic CRPG. Bethesda then switched things up by turning the game into an open-world RPG come Fallout 3.

Having all of those in mind, fans became curious if Bethesda would ever remake the classic Fallout games. The majority are interested in revisiting the old games through Bethesda's vision. While that does sound like a promising idea, unfortunately, the developers don't feel the same way.

Todd Howard Explains Why They Won't Remake the Classic Fallout Games

Prominent content creator MrMattyPlays recently had an interview with Bethesda Director Todd Howard. In their encounter, the content creator discussed what the future holds for the Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Starfield franchises.

During one of the segments, Matty asked Howard about what his development team thought about the classic Fallout games. The content creator briefly shared his experience after playing these classics and thought that fans of the franchise should also be able to experience the games in, preferably, a more modern way.

Despite the first two Fallout games being developed by other game studios, Bethesda is doing its best to make sure PC players can still play the classics smoothly. Howard said that their main priority for the old Fallout games at the moment is to make them run properly on modern technology despite them being outdated. The Director also revealed that he and his team did talk about the idea of remaking them in modern hardware. However, he feels like interested players should experience the games the way they were.

The main priority for us is to make sure [Fallout 1 and 2] are available and you can still play them. So in the PC, obviously they're there for people to go and get and play and making sure that they run okay. As far as sort of beyond that, we've talked about it. But our priories in terms of “Hey let's go do dev work and make certain things work,” they haven't been in those areas.

Again, prirority is if can people load it up and play it. I do think we want it to load up and run well. The rest of it, I could argue that some of the charm of games from that area and the original Fallouts is a little bit of that age. … I think I'd like people to experience it the way it was.

This might come as a bummer to some fans but they need to realize that Bethesda is swamped at the moment. Right now, the developers are trying to maintain Starfield. In terms of other games they're maintaining, Fallout 76 is now one of their priorities after the success they generated this year from the TV series. Then they have the upcoming and highly-anticipated Elder Scrolls VI which is yet to have an official release date. Having all these projects makes it difficult for Bethesda to modernize the Fallout classics.

The classic Fallout games are available on Steam and on the Xbox PC Game Pass.

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