Leave it to Chicago Bulls legend Michael Jordan to have one of the best (if not the best) virtual backgrounds to end all video call backgrounds. If you thought Jordan's game on the court was top-notch, wait until you see his online Zoom game with a GOAT-level flex that no one can ever duplicate.

In a recent interview, the six-time champ reminded everyone of how insane his trophy cabinet looks as the 58-year-old interestingly put up a photo of all his trophies as his virtual Zoom background.

I don't even know who he was talking to or what he was talking about. I just got distracted by all the shiny metal behind him (via Rob Perez):

Just in case you were living under a rock for the past few decades and needed a reminder of how crazy Jordan's professional basketball career went and his insane virtual background wasn't enough for you, here goes nothing. Michael Jordan is a six-time NBA champion and a six-time Finals MVP for the Bulls. He won the league MVP five times while winning the DPOY once. Jordan is a 10-time scoring champ, a three-time steals leader, and a two-time Slam Dunk Champion.

Among other things.

We all know that the GOAT debate between him and Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James will forever be up, but, until James calls it a career and flexes his own trophy cabinet, the throne seems to still have Michael Jordan's name on it.