Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck suffered the misfortune of losing his wallet recently. It’s never a good experience to misplace something with so many valuable things inside of it as a wallet.

However, Luck got a huge slice of luck when he got his wallet back thanks to a Good Samaritan named “Charles,” who found it while he was on a bike ride. He then went to the Colts training facility and handed Luck’s wallet over to a security guard.

A few weeks later, Luck sent Charles a small token of his gratitude: a signed football along with a little note which said, “Many thanks! You made my life much easier, ha! Thanks for reminding me of the ‘kindness of strangers.'”

It’s always great to hear that despite all the bad things going on in the world, there are still some good people like Charles who are ready to do the right thing. He probably could have gone on quite the shopping spree with the credit cards of a multi-millionaire like Luck, but instead of doing that, he decided to give it back.

Charles wasn’t expecting any reward or acknowledgment for his deed, either. He got one anyway, though, which was well-deserved.

As for Luck, he should really try and take better care of his things in the future. While he got lucky on this occasion, it’s not a lock that a person as good and kind-hearted as Charles will do the right thing should the same situation happen again.