Here are the best relics and resonance for Gabrielle (Njord) guide – arguably the strongest Esper in Dislyte right now.

Gabrielle (Njord) is one of the few accessible 5-star Espers, being obtainable by completing the Esper Fusion in the War Room. She has an incredibly versatile kit, having the ability to provide team-wide Immunity and DEF Up while being able to inflict ATK and DEF down to foes. All of this makes Gabrielle one of the best Espers in the game.

Gabrielle (Njord) Guide Abilities Overview


Gabrielle’s first ability is Wavebreaker. It’s a basic ability that deals damage based on ATK, and an additional percentage of ATK per point of SPD. Since Gabrielle is usually built with SPD in mind, the damage this deals may surprise many players. A typical maxed-out Gabrielle with around 200 SPD can deal an extra 90% of ATK, which is unreal for a Controller’s basic ability.

Gabrielle’s second ability is Broadside. This ability attacks all foes thrice, dealing damage with each hit having a chance to inflict DEF Down for 2 turns. On many control teams, this is usually the team’s opener because of the powerful team-wide DEF Down it can deal. This ability might not seem too important for some, but Gabrielle’s amazing SPD stat makes this incredibly dangerous for slower teams that can’t retaliate as quickly.

Gabrielle’s third ability is Rush. When activated, this deals damage to all enemies twice inflicts ATK down and blesses Gabrielle’s whole team with Immunity and DEF Up for 2 turns. Rush is one hell of an ability, as it provides two defensive buffs and lowers enemy ATK at the same time, providing massive damage mitigation for the whole team. 

Gabrielle’s Captain Ability grants all allied Espers a 30% HP Bonus. While this might not be your priority for Point War, this can come in handy if you’re doing tough Miracle dungeons with squishy DPS characters.

Gabrielle Best Relic Sets and Resonance

All-Around Set: Wind Walker 4-piece, Apollo’s Bow 2-piece

Una II: HP%/DEF%, Una IV: ACC%/HP%, Mui II: SPD
Gabrielle works best when she acts early and cycles her abilities quickly, and Wind Walker is the perfect set for that. Apollo’s Bow is also important for providing her good ACC so that she can apply her powerful debuffs more consistently and ensure that you are on top of each turn.

For end-game relics, it’s possible to obtain a good amount of ACC from substats alone, so Apollo’s Bow can be replaced with a more defensive set like Master Grove, or Adamantine. However, keep in mind that SPD is the more important stat, in order to outpace the many powerful SPD teams that already exist in high-tier Point War and other difficult content.

Resonance for Gabrielle is ideally HP, as it’s the most consistent source of tankiness, unlike DEF which can be reduced by DEF down. If you manage to obtain multiple resonances of Gabrielle, however, then a good balance between HP and DEF should theoretically provide her with the most amount of survivability overall.


Gabrielle’s status as a very accessible Esper while being incredibly useful makes her stand out as a must-have unit early on. She is also relatively easy to build, not requiring too many specific Relics in order to work properly. Getting her from Esper Fusion might take a while, but it’s going to be worth it.