Final Fantasy Brave Exvius War of the Visions (FFBE WOTV) received a brand-new update, introducing new characters to the game. One new Ultra Rare and a Mega Rare character arrive in version 3.2.0 last Tuesday. The good part is that both of these characters are good pulls. The best part is you can get the MR character for free.

FFBE WOTV Update gets Louelle (UR) and Sylma (MR)

The Scholar Louelle arrives in WOTV as part of the game's new banner. Louelle's jobs are Scholar, Rune Knight, and Black Mage, making her a very offense-oriented character. Her Passive, Pre-Cast, lowers the activation time for all of her spells, letting her burst down enemies before they make a move. With Fast Read Method, she lowers her activation time even more. This allows her to cast her spells almost as soon as she starts channeling them.

Her Trust Mastery Reward awards players with a Sage's Beret, a headgear. Wearing it gives the unit HP, DEF, and CRIT EVADE. However, Sage's Beret's ability makes it all the better. Sage's Beret gives the unit the ability Wish for Peace, which brings Luck to allies and self as well as nullifies Blind and Stop. Her Limit Burst raises SPR on units within range, making her a must-get for magic-built PvP teams.

Louelle debuts with an EX Job, which means if you want to max her out, you'd need to get a lot of Visiore to pull lots of her Shards. Her EX Job ability Earth Quick Stance lets her and her allies Evoke Espers much faster, which makes her special. She also has access to the very powerful Flare spell through her Black Mage Sub Commands. Finally, her Anti-Heal Strike Method makes her an ideal foil to the popular Yuna.

Meanwhile, the Red Mage Sylma arrives in WOTV  along with Louelle. She's free for everyone logging in during the current event period. Her jobs are Red Mage, Kotodama Mage, and Green Mage, making her a decent mage with access to lots of cool spells. She serves as a good backup to Louelle, casting Fast Cast • Def to her to significantly reduce her Activation Time even more, raising her DEF at the same time.

EX Job for Raine (UR) unlocked

At the same time as Louelle's and Sylma's arrival comes Raine's EX Job unlock. Raine, the guest character from Square Enix's other Brave Exvius game, gets even stronger. With his EX Job, he unlocks Flaming Impact and Amethyst Blaze, two strong MAG-based offensive attacks. He also gains Knight's Pride, which increases his resistance against spells, most especially against area-of-effect spells.

EX Jobs arrived in FFBE WOTV recently, making a debut when Mont became the King of Leonis in the game's story. EX Jobs shatters the power ceiling of certain characters, making her even more powerful. It takes a lot of effort to unlock the full potential of EX Job characters, though. Players need to collect even more Character Shards to upgrade their characters to maxed out EX Jobs. There are also a lot of new resources that players will have to collect to level up their EX Job characters. Thankfully, the game also has a lot of new ways to gain EXP, level up materials, and evolving materials. Players will just have to get extra lucky with their pulls to get even more Shards for the characters they already own.