Frank Kaminsky took the issue of NCAA athlete compensation to heart after college basketball analyst Dan Dakich took a shot at former Wisconsin Badger mate Nigel Hayes in one of his tweets.

Dakich has been very opinionated in this matter, obviously claiming that college players are compensated more than enough with their scholarships.

He threw his first dart at the undrafted Hayes.

Kaminsky quickly went on his defense.

The things got personal, as FKIII cited the analyst's son Andrew Dakich, who notably was given a scholarship at the University of Michigan and then graduated only to transfer rival Ohio State.

Dakich went on a tirade of his social accomplishments in college, asking Kaminsky to reply with his share of dues.

Dakich wouldn't let up though, firing shot after shot like Rambo in his original 1982 movie.

Have you ever seen a person that asks not to be called something again actually get his wish?

Who do you think won this exchange? Tell us in the comments.