The relationship between Chicago Bulls head coach Fred Hoiberg and guard Jimmy Butler appears to have stabilized.

Hoiberg told CSN Chicago that there are no issues between he and Butler:

We had a lot of conversations and I don't see any issues with Jimmy Butler and I. The biggest thing as a staff is we have 15 guys that we gotta coach and hopefully put them in situations and utilize their skill sets and get the most out of them.

Butler and Hoiberg seemed to be working on two sides of the fence previously, with Butler calling out the coach for not being tougher on his players.

Butler has also already stated that he and coach Hoiberg cleared the air, and that both parties are ready to move forward:

Jimmy and I have had a lot of conversations. There's a lot of things (that happened) last year. The big thing was the comment after the New York game. … We got it handed to us and the comment was made.

We did have a lot of injuries but there's no excuse for me. I've got to get them playing more consistent basketball.

Both sides are willing to take responsibility for last season's collapse that kept the Bulls out of the playoffs, and both are willing to make it work this year to get back on track.