Horizon Zero Dawn players on Steam prepare for slower patch cycles for the foreseeable future. Horizon developer Guerilla Games announced that they will slow down patch releases as they focus on the game's sequel, Horizon Forbidden West. It's a dual-edged announcement but it's definitely a positive thing for the franchise.

Horizon's new dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn's most recent PC patch sought to fix crash issues and improve overall performance. It's unfortunate that a long-time game still has issues to work out but it looks like players will have to hunker down for now. Guerilla explicitly stated that future updates will release for the PC version but it will have to take a back seat for the time being.

“As our team continues development on our upcoming title Horizon Forbidden West, we are shifting to less frequent updates for Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition for PC after this patch. Please note that we will continue to monitor our community spaces as always!”

Horizon Zero Dawn initially released as a PlayStation 4 exclusive in 2017 until a PC port came out in August 2020. Players and critics commended the port for many visual overhauls but the game was plagued with performance issues. Guerilla swiftly released patches for the PC port in an attempt to turn the tides of the negative criticisms. Hopefully, no new critical performance bug is discovered because the game will now receive less attention from developers.

Guerilla Games announced the second Horizon game back in 2020 for the PlayStation 5. Horizon Forbidden West is due for a 2021 release and is one of the most anticipated PS5 exclusive games.

Guerilla diverting its attention towards the sequel is a great decision. Fans anticipating the new game's release can now rest assured that the developers are focusing on it. Horizon Forbidden West's PC port has not been confirmed at this time.