Coach Deion Sanders and Colorado football have caught a lot of flak for their roster overhaul. The Buffaloes have been successful in recruiting so far but the real challenge comes during the college football season. Colorado football alum Joel Klatt expects a massive improvement for the new squad.

Deion Sanders went on The Joel Klatt Show to discuss his upcoming season with Colorado football. He was immediately hit with a huge projection from the Buffaloes' former quarterback and now show host after, per Jack Karlaugh of Buffaloes Wire.

“Listen, I’m a Colorado alum, right? This expectation that they’re just going to be like gangbusters this first year is somewhat unrealistic. And the reason is because what I tried to explain to (Sanders). A plus three or four in the win column is a drastic, drastic improvement for any team in the country. Much less a team that was 1-11 and lost by an average of 29 points,” Joel Klatt declared.

Deion Sanders pointed out that he wanted to exceed the expectations of the former Colorado football player.

“I want it all, don’t want a sip, I want to get full…  Don’t need no pot pie where I gotta put it in the oven for 45 minutes… got no time for that process. I want it now, and I want it all. We’re assembling the type of young men and the staff to have it. I really do,” Deion Sanders said with much hunger for an impressive run.

Coach Prime is on a mission to make this squad work and people have got to love his dedication.