The Philadelphia 76ers have lots of cap space to retool around Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey this offseason. They are being mentioned in talks about trades and free agency for just about every big name that will or could be available this summer, perhaps none more than the discussion around Los Angeles Clippers star Paul George.

George has been linked to the 76ers already and the noise seems likely to keep growing as free agency approaches. The All-Star is hitting free agency after the likely event that he declines his player option. On the Bill Simmons Podcast, The Ringer's Kevin O'Connor said that the Sixers believe they have a legitimate chance of signing George away from the Clippers.

“Well, the Sixers think there's a real chance they end up with Paul George,” O'Connor said at the 1:00:04 mark of the episode. “From my understanding, talking with people around the league, they think there's a real chance he ends up leaving. No guarantees. But there's a chance of it.”

Given that George is seeking a max contract and the Clippers reportedly have not yet offered that, it seems as though it's the Sixers' willingness to pay up that works in their favor. George is a Los Angeles-area native and is on a winning team, so convincing him to leave his home will take a lot. Philly, it seems, is one destination that could do just that.

76ers think they can sign Paul George away from Clippers in free agency

George may be 34 years old but he is still a very good player that would slide in very well at the forward spot next to Embiid and Maxey. He's an elite shooter who can create his own shot, set up plays for teammates and generate steals. A max contract for a player his caliber makes sense despite the obvious injury and aging risks that come with it.

The 76ers, still trying to break the second-round ceiling that has held Embiid-led teams back, would benefit from having a third option like George who can operate with and without the ball and has a ton of playoff experience. Betting on George aging gracefully is a tough one to make, as being wrong means cutting into Maxey's prime years with a third option that isn’t getting the job done.

Signing a free agent like George is better for the 76ers than trading for a star, as using the cap space for one big-time free agent and using their trade assets to fill out the roster is much more advantageous than using cap space AND assets to and that third star.

The Clippers, of course, have professed a desire to keep George, one of their two key free agents along with James Harden. They have plenty of incentive to make sure they retain George and get the most out of him after paying a king's ransom of assets to acquire him in a trade. Plus, given their high payroll, finding a replacement could prove to be very tough.

With the 76ers having so many ways they can go about building their roster, they could feel comfortable walking away from George and pivoting to other avenues. But if George sees a chance to compete with Philly, the match could be a beneficial one for both sides. What the Clippers decide to do in contact negotiations will have lots of ripple effects around the league.