NXT Premium Live Events are usually, to paraphrase another wrestling promoter, for the sickos.

Sure, there have been plenty of incredible matches contested in an NXT ring, especially during the Black and Gold era when Paul “Triple H” Levesque was calling the shots, but as of late, the shows have felt far less important, with outcomes sometimes being reversed in less than a week – Trick Williams' North American Championship reign anyone? – and others show feeling like more of a chance to give Superstars ring time in front of an audience than a showcase of “dream matches.”

2024's iteration of NXT Battleground, however, has the potential to buck that trend in a major way, as, with “All Ego” Ethan Page's in-ring debut and TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace challenging Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship, this show has rapidly become must-watch for fans across the IWC, with the future of multiple promotions potentially being decided based on how Shawn Michaels puts the show together.

Buckle up, folks, this show is gonna be bold, and thus, predicting what's going to happen on the show has to be as well.

6. “Michin” Mia Yim wins the NXT Women's North American Title

On paper, Mia Yim is sort of a wildcard to win the inaugural NXT Women's North American Championship, but if you think about telling the best story on a macro level, it sort of makes sense.

Imagine, if you will, that WWE decides to keep the NXT-TNA storyline going, and they want to finish things off with AJ Styles showing up in TNA to win the World Championship for the third time in his career and the first time since 2013. If that's the play, then belting up the entire squad could create some incredible interesting drama for the “invasion,” especially considering Yim and the Good Brothers' pre-existing relationship with the promotion. While it might make more sense to give the belt to Lash Legend, Sol Ruca, or Fallon Henley for storyline's sake, on a macro level, it seems like every member of The OC, minus Styles, is on the show for a reason and cashing in on that potential might be the plan.

5. Oba Femi finds a new challenger from TNA after retaining his title

Could Joe Coffey or Wes Lee defeat Oba Femi for the men's NXT North American Championship? Sure, but it feels much more likely that Femi will retain his belt and then earn a challenge from someone outside the NXT system, be that the TNA World Champion Moose or even Mustafa Ali, who was supposed to challenge for the belt last year only to be released roughly a week before his match.

Now established as one of the hottest names on the indies, could Ali take another crack at NXT's top titles against a certified monster as the TNA X-Division Champion? Now that would be cool.

4. The Good Brothers win the NXT Tag Team Championship

If Michin does pull out the win in the NXT Women's North American Championship match earlier in the show, which could not only impact NXT and TNA, but SmackDown too, where she is feuding with Nia Jax, then it feels only right to complete the proverbial circuit and give the tag team belts to the Good Brothers, “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson and “The Big LG” Luke Gallows to give The OC three titles between the four members.

After appearing alongside Styles during his fake retirement angle with Cody Rhodes, it would appear an OC run is gearing up within the WWE Universe once more; giving the Bullet Club OGs the belts would only help to make that feel more special.

3. Lola Vice goes over Shayna Baszler at NXT Battleground

In WWE and especially in NXT, there's a time-honored tradition of having a more veteran performer “pass the torch” to one of their younger understudies, either to outright take their spot in storylines moving forward or to form the sort of rookie-vet relationship that can be exploited in the future should the duo turn on each other.

At NXT Battleground, that will almost certainly happen with Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler, as despite the latter having a title shot in a three-way match with The Unholy Union and Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill, there's basically no reason to give her the win over the reigning Breakouts Tournament winner as she rapidly ascends through the NXT Universe. Even if Baszler is still going strong, she's 43 and won't be at the top forever; if Vice looks like the future MMA-style performer being built up for the main roster WWE has been looking to cultivate, then giving her this win is an important stepping stone on that journey.

2. Ethan Page wins the NXT Championship

On paper, Trick Williams should defeat “All Ego” Ethan Page at NXT Battleground, and if WWE opts to go that way, no one will really blame them. But remember, if you will, how WWE handled Bron Breakker's run in NXT and how they allowed Dolph Ziggler to defeat the then-NXT Champion only to give him the win back in the future on a much bigger stage.

If Page wins, it establishes him as a true main event heel right from the jump, and even if he only holds the belt for a month or so, when Williams wins it back, he will look like an even bigger babyface champion than he is now; a conquering hero worthy of being the Ace of NXT. Even if it would be somewhat shocking in the moment, in the end, the payoff feels just too good to pass up.

1. Jordynne Grace wins the NXT Women's Championship

Jordynne Grace has wrestled exactly two matches in the WWE Universe, an appearannce in the Royal Rumble, which she didn't win, and a singles bout against Stevie Turner which she did win on NXT television. Roxanne Perez, however, has wrestled in 99 matches within the WWE Universe, with her 100th set to take place at NXT Battleground at the UFC Apex.

If Perez gets the win, it will make her look like an even bigger star, but at 22, she has plenty of time to secure massive wins on her way to future main event stardom; giving Grace the win will produce the biggest headlines, get fans tuning into two different television programs this coming week, and ultimately make things all the sweeter when Rok-C returns to the Impact Zone and takes back her belt for a record-breaking third time. Those milestones are grander than a single win in front of less than 800 fans.