Did you see the guy in purple in the front row heckling Dwyane Wade in the series between the Miami Heat and the Charlotte Hornets?
You might be wondering, who was that guy? What was he saying to the players? Did he help the Hornets lose the series by firing up Miami's players with his trash talk, and what does he have to say for himself?
His name is Michael Deason. He's a 43 year old fan with floor seats, and passionate about the team. Twitter believes he's the main reason, and some think he's the sole reason, the Miami Heat got fired up and were able to turn around a series that Charlotte appeared to have in hand. What did Deason have to say about that?
No, I didn’t lose the game for them last night. Hell, did I win the game for them in Game 3 and 4? Because I was cheering a hell of a lot louder in Game 3 and 4.
What was the reason for the stare down with Dwyane Wade, and what was Deason yelling at Wade during one encounter sketched in that series?
Deason claims he told Wade that it was time for him to retire, and it's obvious that Wade disagreed because he went into turn back the clock mode, really pumping his competitive juices.
Heat guard Josh Richardson felt Wade's action of recourse was just due, as he told the Observer.
Sometimes, it’s better not to wake up a sleeping giant.

RELATED: Charlotte Hornets fan absolutely disrespected Dwyane Wade after Game 6
Of course, Deason wasn't phased by it one bit and felt like his actions were also just as appropriate.
Those guys, they don’t like me. The coach (Coach Spo) doesn’t like me, the players get in trouble if they talk to me, Gerald Green he tries his best not to talk to me and every time he does they ream him a new one. So when the Heat come to town, I try to step it up a little bit more
In the end, Deason continues to tell the Observer that he mainly heckles for fun and that's his contribution while he's around NBA basketball players.
I played basketball. I understand the game, so I point out fundamentals to them and just stupid stuff. It’d be like if someone called up and tried to tell you how to be a reporter or a journalist, when they wrote in the school newspaper. It would piss you off. And that’s all I’m trying to do.
Whether it's Deason's fault that the Hornets are now eliminated from the postseason, that depends on what side of social media you side with.
You can find Deason identified with hashtags #purpleshirtman and #purpleshirtguy.