After James Harden's drama-filled forced exit from the Brooklyn Nets last season, it now feels like an eternity since he was with the Houston Rockets. That's actually just two years ago, and at this point, the Philadelphia 76ers superstar still clearly has an affinity toward Houston.

Harden spent more than half of his career with the Rockets, and it comes as no surprise that he continues to have a strong bond with the city after spending nine years in Houston. Recently, Harden revealed that even though he's now more than a thousand miles away from the city, there's no doubt in his mind he still considers Houston to be his home:

“My family is here, my mom, my sister, my brother, so this is the place I would call home,” Harden said, via Alykhan Bijani of The Athletic. “I feel like this city deserves for me to still put my stamp on it even though I’m no longer playing here. I’ve got to find ways to continue to do that, and I will.”

It was in 2012 when the Oklahoma City Thunder traded Harden to the Rockets. The former third overall pick made an immediate impact as soon as he arrived, gaining his first All-Star nod in his very first year with the Rockets.

Harden spent many memorable years with the team before he decided to call time on his tenure with Houston in 2020. Much like he did with the Nets last year, Harden also forced his way out of Houston. Be that as it may, there's no denying that there are nothing but good memories from his time with the Rockets.