Popular Twitch streamer Michael “shroud” Grzesiek doesn't believe that Valorant's new agent, Neon, will make it to professional meta. Valorant's latest agent received a lot of attention due to her alluring teaser using the slide mechanic, as well her being another radiant element. The new agent has a high pick rate due to being new as well as her fun skill kit. Shroud also thinks her skills are really fun to use during pubs, but will be trash in competitive scene. Her hyper-aggressive playstyle and lack of utility will have her become an entry only agent and full committal. 

Neon's skills consist of a movement ability as her constant, a concussive blast to stun enemies, and a parallel wall for entry. Looking at these utilities, she is designed to enter any site hyper-aggressively but not clear any corners or hiding spots with her stun ability. The lightning-fast agent couldn't flush them out unless she full commits to those hard to reach or neatly tucked corners. Her ultimate also gives her the ability to rush down any enemies she have and “Run & Gun” them down. Compared to her near counterpart Jett, Jett can use Tailwind to go in aggressively or dodge out if you don't win the duel. She is flexible in her playstyle, compared to our new duelist.

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Some pro players like paTiTek from Excel Esports believe that she can have a place within the competitive meta. He describes Neon having an “OP” kit, having a parallel wall you can travel on forward. We cannot see her in action with the early parts of VCT but she will be available eventually. One team will pick her up as a pocket pick that would suit their playstyle. Valorant's meta isn't really defined by the composition of selected agents. They will focus more on how each team executes or defends sites.

Shroud doesn't fully exclude Neon from getting into the competitive scene. He sampled with Neon playable on Haven competitively. The agent would just not as good as other entry duelists like Jett or Raze with high mobility. We will still see her in pubs as she has a good kit for hyper-aggressive players who can entry frag well. Let's wait for VCT's official announcement when Neon is playable in the league.