Coming with Teamfight Tactics Dragonlands is a lot of new mechanics, but also some of the ones we loved. The Treasure Dragon will offer you new items, the Dragons of the Dragonlands are the most powerful trait to date, and a lot of new Augments will welcome you to this new set. Speaking of, Augments are now Draconic Augments, and will give more room for creativity. You can reroll your Augments now, too!


They’re all over the Dragonlands, so you best learn about how they’re shaking up the Convergence.

The Treasure Dragon

Once a fixture of the Dragonlands, the Treasure Dragon has departed the world of our new set, with intentions of distributing resources and wealth to those in need. But don’t worry, before they departed, they left behind part of their essence in the form of a generous totem.

The Treasure Dragon will replace Raptors in stage 4-7. Much like the units, you can opt to reroll the Treasure Dragon's lineup for 1 gold. You have to choose whether to keep all five offerings or reroll the whole thing.

Dev note: The Treasure Dragon gives increased agency over your final items to hit those big power spikes you’ve been setting up for. Being able to more consistently finalize your dream build adds a ton of power to TFT, so we’re going to keep a close eye on how the Treasure Dragon impacts the meta. If the benevolent Dragon grants your perfect items too consistently, we’ll raise their rates to refresh or adjust their offering odds, and if their 1 gold cost is too steep for your stingy pockets, we’ll increase the value of their offerings. Regardless, we’re excited to see how you take advantage of this new risk versus reward moment!

The Dragons of the Dragonlands

Dragons is TFT's most powerful trait to date. Much like the previous set's Colossus, they require two unit slots. They also cost twice as much gold compared to units of the same rarity However, they're much stronger than the Colossi of old. Each dragon contributes three towards their Origin trait count, and have a lot of bonus health. Their trait can be activated with only just one Dragon unit. During PvE rounds, you have a chance to get lucky and get a Dragon Orb that grants an 8-cost Dragon.

Shyvana: Dragon Ragewing Shapeshifter

Shyvana starts in human form, and so she needs to charge up while in this form. After she finishes charging, Shyvana will dive down dealing magic damage and stunning enemy units. As a true Dragon, her spell becomes Flame Breath. As she dives up, she will shake off all aggro, but enemy units will target her again after the divebomb.

Dev note: Give her a tank item to balance those damage items so she can keep flaming on!

Ao Shin: Dragon Tempest

Ao Shin harnesses the power of lightning orbs to rain down on the enemy with the highest percent health. This spell does not care about range, but it does take a while to charge up. Having a Spear of Shojin on Ao Shin would be ideal to cast the spell faster. Ao Shin is a 10 gold Legendary unit, but it's worth it.

As a Dragon, Ao Shin alone can activate the Tempest trait. This creates a lightning strike nine seconds into combat that stuns and deals damage to all enemies and boosts the attack speed of all Tempest units.

Aurelion Sol: Astral Dragon Evoker

Aurelion Sol is a 10 cost Dragon, and your Astral comp will revolve (no pun intended) around him. His ability summons a black hole for 2 seconds under a random enemy, which then explodes, dealing damage and reducing their attack damage for a short amount of time. Every time Aurelion Sol casts this ability, the black hole's size and damage will increase.

Draconic Augments

Dragonlands will keep Augments, this time now calleed Draconic Augments. Significant changes to the Augments, play styles, order of appearance, and power level were made to keep the mechanic's novelty.

Draconic Augments will appear on stages 2-1, 3-2, and 4-2.

Augment Rerolls

Once a game, you can reroll your Draconic Augment selections. No more picking a mediocre Augment for your comp, but you still have to choose when to commit your single reroll. The rerolls will also give players more chances to experience the new Draconic Augments.

Balancing the Augment Scales

A lot of changes have been made towards balancing Augments since Gizmos & Gadgets.

Dev note: We’ve gotten better at making Augment offerings and power levels make sense. But in balancing Augments, we’ve brought up the power base of Augments a bit too high. There’s been a small power inflation with Augments. For example, Rich get Richer, which allows you to earn up to 7 gold interest, used to give 10 gold, but now gives 14. We also believe Augments like are currently giving too much power. Some of our Augments are just a bit too impactful right now, so in addition to making sure each Augment tier feels relatively even in power, we are going to be giving Augments a minor power deflation.

Big Brain Augments

A lot of the new Augments requires creativity and a big brain. The TFT team has gotten a lot more creative coming up with Augments that makes you think, and a lot of these are actually intriguing.

Dev note: Much of our feedback for Augments was around them feeling pretty similar. Many players felt that a lot of Augments just didn’t require you to augment your playstyle—and that’s just not true to the name. So with Dragonlands, we are focusing on Augments that pose big gameplay questions for you to answer. And after a whole set of practice with our first iteration of Augments, we think you’re ready for some of our new and dynamic Augments below:

  • Cluttered Mind: If your bench is full at the end of a round, gain 5 experience points.
  • Gadget Expert: Items deal much more damage as true damage. Gain a Statikk Shiv.
  • Pandora’s Bench: At the start of every turn, champions in your 3 rightmost bench slots transform into random champions of the same cost. As a note, since Dragons have unique costs, they will always reroll to other Dragons.
  • Cruel Pact: Buying XP costs Health instead of gold.

Trait Enhancing Augments

Augments that directly buff Traits have been either removed or reworked so that it's less of a no-brainer whether you take some Augments.

Dev note: If you are offered So Small, Shrug it Off, Sharpshooter, or Irresistible Charm, you would almost always take those Augments if you were running Yordles, Bruisers, Twinshot, or Debonair respectively. With our new trait enhancing Draconic Augments, you won’t just take them because you are running the trait, and when you do take them, you will have to adjust your play style around them. Check out some examples below:

  • Personal Trainer: If a unit starts combat next to a Bruiser then they permanently gain Health.
  • Eye of the Storm: An enhanced hex appears at the center of your board. Units on the hex gain ability power. When Tempest lightning strikes, that bonus triples!
  • Party Favors: At the end of combat, gain 1 gold for every 6 firecrackers launched. Additionally, gain a special prize the first time 100 total firecrackers are launched.
  • Devastating Charge: Cavaliers deal damage equal to a portion of their Armor and Magic Resist when they charge!

These Draconic Augments allows for more room and creativity on your Augment choices while affecting your units in a much better way than some of the older augments.

Teamfight Tactics Dragonlands is currently out with patch 12.11. For more Gaming news, click here.